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Google drive login - sign in | what is google drive |

Hello friends, today I have told you about Google Drive, Google Drive is very useful, you can easily save photos, videos in it.  Today we will learn about Google Drive in this article.

Google drive login - sign in | what is google drive |

 what is google drive?

 Although Google drive is already present in our mobile but many people do not know about it.  And Google Drive apps are connected to big servers.  Files, images, videos, etc. are saved in Google Drive, it is also called online storage.  Also keep pen drive, hard disk, SD card for offline storage.  In this way we can save online files, photos, videos in Google drive absolutely free.

 We know that all video photo files saved in memory card or sd card get deleted but video photo files saved in google drive are never deleted.  You can view and download these files, photos, videos anytime anywhere.  If we talk about SD card, then we get fixed capacity in SD card, but when we talk about Google Drive, then we get 15 GB of storage in one Gmail, which we can easily expand.

Google drive login - sign in | what is google drive |

 Google drive login - sign in [How to use Google Drive] :-

 If you use play store, then you do not even need to login to Google Drive.  If you are not logged into the play store, you need Gmail to login to Google Drive.

 When you are logged into Google Drive, you will get a simple interface.  If you want to save anything here, then you have to click on the plus sign below.  After clicking it the upload icon will open in front of you.

 After clicking on the upload icon, you will be taken to the gallery of your phone.  Then if you want, you can upload photos of your mobile together or one by one very easily.

  In Google Drive, you will be able to save a lot more than photos, such as contacts, songs, files, videos etc. You can also easily upload in it.

How can I call the Google Drive Help Center?

Yes, you guys can make calls from Google. The number to contact Google is 1-855-836-1987.

Now you must have got all the information about Google Drive.  How did you like this post, tell us by commenting and if you face any problem while login google drive then you can ask us through comment.

 thanks 🙏


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