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Google Gmail | email Account Login | sign in |

 Google Gmail | email Account Login | sign in |www . Gmail . Com

Everywhere a new gmail id/account is required:–

For example - for online form submission,

new Gmail / Email ID is required for Youtube for Instagram, Android Mobile, Facebook and Google Play Store etc.

Google Gmail | email Account Login | sign in |

We have to use all these to create a Gmail ID, then our new Gmail account will be created:–

  • your mobile number
  • Mobile or Computer [to create gmail id]
  •   Must have internet {to create gmail id}

How to create new gmail account:–

  • First of all you have to open the settings of your mobile.
  • First of all open chrome browser or other browser.
  • Search there by typing gmail .com.
  • Then click on Create New Account
  • There you will get the option to enter username and password
  • There you have to fill some other information
  • You need to verify mobile number
  • Then you have to accept the Terms of Service
  • Go to Gmail.

Email Account Kaise Khole (How to Open an Email / Gmail Account):–
  • First of all, you have to search it by typing gmail .com in any Chrome browser or any other browser.
  • Then the site will open.
  • Then you have to click on create new email id.
  • There you have to enter the username and password, your password should be at least 8 characters.
  • After that click on login.
  • Your Gmail account will start showing there.

How to mail gmail id to any person:–

  •   First of all you have to open Gmail.
  • After this you will see a pencil mark on your right hand, click on it.
  • In the first box you have to enter your gmail id
  • After this, write some other information in the subject box.
  • Now you can write attachment details in the next box.  You can easily send any information to any person.
  • After that you have to send it.

How to login gmail simultaneously:–

  • First of all, you have to log in with your other Gmail account.
  • Now you have to click on the photo option.
  • Now the option of add account will appear in front of you, click on it.
  • After clicking, now you enter your gmail id and password then log in.  Friends, you can use many emails by following these steps.

If you want to login more than one email or Gmail ID in your phone, then follow the steps given below:–

  • First of all, you have to open the Gmail app on your phone.
  • Then click on the above three lines
  • Then click on Settings.
  • After that you have to click on add account.
  • Now click on Google at the top
  • Now enter your Gmail ID and Password.
  • then login

How did you like today's article, do tell us by commenting, if you face any problem related to Gmail login, then definitely tell us by commenting.    

thanks 🙏


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